HOMEAbout CUFS TESOLEducational Principles & Vision
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Educational Principles & Vision

사이버한국외국어대학교 교육이념
진리ㆍ평화ㆍ창조의 건학 정신을 바탕으로 국가와 세계의 발전에 공헌
사이버한국외국어대학교 교육목적
자주적 탐구인ㆍ국제적 한국인ㆍ독창적 전문인 육성
사이버한국외국어대학교 교육목표
글로벌 리더 육성
앞서가는 전문인 육성
국제 교양인 육성
TESOL대학원 교육목적
글로벌시대를 선도하는 최고의 영어교육전문가 양성
TESOL대학원 교육목표
국제어로서의 영어와 영어교수법에 대한 심층적 학술지식을 갖춘 인재 양성
국세사회에 기여하는 인재양성
창의적영어교육을 선도하는 인재 양성

Based on its founding principles of truth, peace and creativity, Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies established the Graduate School of TESOL for the advancement of both Korea and the world. Seeking to fulfill these principles, CUFS TESOL determined its educational objective as “fostering top English educators leading the global era.”

With the goal of meeting these educational objectives and principles, CUFS TESOL gathered feedback from members of the university, conducted surveys and investigated social needs. Based on this information, they set the following three educational objectives:

  • Fostering talents with in-depth knowledge of English as an international language and English teaching methods
  • Fostering talents who contribute to international society
  • Fostering talents who pioneer creative approaches to English education
  • The TESOL major at CUFS TESOL set its own specialized objective of “fostering experts in English course design.”
  • CUFS TESOL analyzed surveys of on-site needs, along with the curricula of other graduate schools, before selecting and promoting its objective of “fostering experts in English course design.” To accomplish this objective, the following three strategies are being implemented:
  • Professional competency-based education
  • Education aimed at achieving proficiency in the latest technologies
  • Dedicated fostering of innovative leaders in English education
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